getimiskon's space
Terms of Service
By using these services, you agree to the following terms:
- Do not spam
- Do not harass any user
- Do not dox or share doxing content
- Do not upload any content that includes minors, SFW or not
- Do not post illegal content, especially illegal in Germany (where the server is located)
- Sexism, racism, fascism, and similar kinds of hate speech aren't allowed
- Do not abuse any of the provided services
Additional rules may apply, depending on the service. Non-compliance with these rules may result to a ban (temporary or not) and/or termination of your account(s).
Privacy Policy
We collect the following data:
- Any information you submit during your account's creation
- Any files you upload in the file uploading service
- IP addresses
The data is being kept in the server. We don't share any data with any third party.
About the deletion of your data:
- If you stop using our services, we retain your data for a small period of time, in case you want to return later.
- You can ask for your data to be removed.
- Any files uploaded in the file uploading service are being automatically deleted every week.