getimiskon's space
When nostalgia hits
Posted in 2023-09-09
Something I have realized during the last month is that I missed how I enjoyed some stuff a few years ago. From the way I designed my website to the music I was listening. It's a kind of nostalgia that you think that life was somewhat better a few years ago than now, despite not being changed significantly. That's how I would describe it.
So, in the last few days I decided to work on the CSS style on my website. I decided to bring back quite a few things from the past, like the font I used back in 2020 (that I used on the banner as well), the rounded corners, the animated pixel art background and the smooth animations on links. Sometimes I enjoy returning back to this design and trying to reimplement it with my current experience. It's not even the first time I do that, as I did similar changes to the CSS stylesheet last year. There are some things I'm not sure if I'll keep for long, but I'm still satisfied with the changes.
Recently, with the help of the webmasters of and, we did an attempt to archive the threads of Lainchan's webring. There has been an archive for most of the threads, but the first few ones were missing. Fortunately, I had linked to the original thread in a deleted post I made back in 2020, and with the help of the Wayback Machine, I was able to find an archived version. I decided to look for the other missing ones as well, and I got archives for all the threads except for one. About a week later, Yukinu, the original creator of the first webring thread posted links with the archives first three threads, where the last one was a pleasant surprise to see being archived, as it wasn't available on the Wayback Machine.
It's been 3 years since I joined the webring. To be honest, I didn't expect something like this would last for that long, yet here we are now. A few months ago, I said that I'll step down from updating it, but I decided not to. I am not as interested in the webring as I was in the past, but I still like being a part of it. Also there are quite a few neat websites being posted in the threads from time to time.
Speaking about Lainchan, something that I have been missing recently is its radio streams, more specifically the "cafe" stream. It is what I was listening to most of the time. The streams have been offline for a few months and it doesn't seem they will be online again anytime soon. So I decided to try replicating that stream as much as I can, by collecting the tracks that were played on it, at least those that I remember from it. So far I have collected about a dozen of albums, although there are still quite a few more I could add. My goal is to replicate the feeling of coziness I had while listening to the music, and I think I got it just right.
Those are some of the things I was busy with during the last few weeks. Thanks for reading. By the way, happy Cirno day. ;)
Created by getimiskon.